Care of Injured and Ill Person

8441 Care of Injured and Ill Person

The Board of Education will provide the prompt and appropriate medical

attention for students, staff members, or visitors who are injured or become ill on

school grounds or during a school sponsored event, activity, or field trip.

Any injury or illness shall be reported immediately to the school nurse or, in the

absence of the school nurse, the Building Principal or designee. Immediate steps

may be taken as necessary to remove the injured or ill person from danger and/or

to prevent exacerbation of the injury or illness. Basic first aid may be

administered by district personnel to ensure the safety and comfort of the injured

or ill person until the school nurse or other medical professional arrives on the



The parent of an injured or ill student and, if necessary, the family of an injured or

ill staff member or visitor will be notified promptly of the injury or illness and the

ongoing health status of the injured or ill person. If the school nurse or school

physician or, in the absence of both, the Principal or designee determines the

injured or ill person should receive a medical examination from their medical

professional, the parent or family member will be required to remove the injured

or ill person from the school or school event or activity. In the event a serious

health emergency occurs on school grounds or during a school sponsored event,

activity, or field trip, emergency medical assistance will be contacted.


In the event it is determined by the school nurse and/or a medical professional that

a student shall be immediately transported to a hospital or other emergency

medical facility, a school staff member, if a parent or their designee is not on the

scene, shall accompany the student to a hospital or other emergency medical



The school nurse(s), in consultation with the school physician, will develop basic

emergency first aid procedures for the emergency treatment of an injury or illness

in the event a school staff member may be in the position to provide emergency

first aid until the school nurse or other medical professional arrives on the scene.

Injuries and disabilities that occur in the course of the athletic program are subject

to the provisions of Policy 2431 and implementing regulations. Student

disabilities attributable to substance abuse will be handled in accordance with

Policy 5530. Injuries that occur in the course of school bus transportation will be

handled in accordance with regulations implementing Policy 8630.


N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.1(a)4



Adopted: 26 July 2005

Revised: 28 July 2016