Marital Status & Pregnancy Policy

The Board of Education will not discriminate among pupils on the basis of their marital status or parenthood. No pupil, male or female, who is married or a parent shall be denied access to or benefit from any educational, co-curricular, or athletic program or activity on the basis of his/her marital status or parenthood.

A pregnant pupil shall not be excluded from any educational program or activity because of her pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition unless the pupil so requests or a physician certifies that her exclusion is necessary for the pupil’s physical, mental, or emotional well-being. An excluded pregnant pupil will be provided with adequate and timely opportunity for instruction to continue or make up her schoolwork without prejudice or penalty. Pregnant pupils will be provided a special instructional program in accordance with Policy No. 2416.

N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.7(a)6