Need Help?

Help is available

Why struggle on your own when help may be a call or a click away?

Talk to your teacher, your friends or the guidance department whenever you are struggling to keep up with academics.

You are not alone! Help is available in a number of ways.


Your school’s guidance counselors and social workers are there to help.
See your school’s web page for more information about guidance services.

Guidance Model

In March 2006, the Union City District Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program Model was modified for the third time. It was first developed during the 1990-1991 school year, and underwent revisions in the 1995-1996 and 2000-2001 school years. It has been revised in 2006 in accordance with the newly adopted American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards.

Career Counseling
Guidance counselors are available at each high school to help our students better understand their personal strengths and the opportunities available to them in business. These counselors are available throughout the year.

To locate your school’s counselor, go to our online directory or your school’s website.
Health Screening

Free health screening is available for students.
Parent Liaisons

Parent Liaisons are available at each school to build a bridge between school and home. The role of the Parent Liaison is to help parents/guardians get the help and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success in school and throughout life.

Freshman Orientation

Freshman orientation is conducted by the high school guidance counselors and offered to students and parents as a way to introduce you to our high school programs and graduation requirements. To learn more, contact your school’s counselor through our directory or your school’s website.