Photo Album

How to confront climate change slide in Spanish
Mr. Montoro explaining the heating of climate graph
climate change does matter slide
Luisa Mendez, Pedro Montoro, & Superintendent Silvia Abbato
Notable winters slide
UC DALE School Leaders with Mrs. Abbato and Mr. Montoro & Mr. Passante
Montoro holding microphone and talking to students
Montoro interviewing boy with glasses
Hotest registered days in the world
slide of the world going to the doctor
Superintendent Abbato, Mr. Montoro  & Mr. Passante
slide: mother earth need to be taken care of in Spanish
Montoro interviewing young man with blonde hair
Montoro interviewing girl with glasses and braids
Montoro with a group of students from Gilmore
Montoro with a group of students from Emerson
Montoro with students from Roosevelt, Washington, & Robert Waters
Montoro with students from Gilmore