Photo Album

Washington female staff holding yellow balloons in hand in front of lemonade stand
kids in front of table display of rainbow colored slime
health representative talking to parent
Ms. Fransisco with young boy making slime
Washington female staff with lemon tree apron with lemon cupcake
Mindfulness yoga display table with yoga teacher and her son
TBW Representatives at their display table
two woman holding fresh lemons at the lemonade stand
chartwells rep talking to two young children
health representative at her display table
two hudson pride representatives at their LBGTB table
boy sitting at a stationary bike hooked up to a blender to make his smoothie
chartwells representative teaching about food preservation
several students painting or drawing at the art display section
health representative talking to a parent
Mickey Mouse greeting a parent with two small children at the entrance of JMFA
Mickey mouse welcoming families to the health fair
fair clown makes a balloon animal
girl getting face painted
little girl doing yoga
three girls making slime
Hudson School giving away potted seedlings
learning how to do CPR
Hudson Pride representative talking to parents
Energy saving representative talking to parent
Edison teachers at the mind and body table
yoga teacher with several very young children holding yoga instruction booklets on stage
Woman running lemonade stand
Students with table of colored mini cups
2 women talking across booth
Woman and boy making experiment
Woman at baked goods stand
Woman and boy in front of superhero themed booth
2 women posing behind booth
Mickey Mouse mascot outside JMSA
Jefferson table of potted grass cups and other little things with a mom & daughter, Mrs. Michaels and another girl
two girls listening to each others heartbeats with a stethoscope
Mr. Dragonna with the Jefferson staff with the potted grass cups
Katie Kirby with Jefferson school staff
Jefferson students that performed with their faces painted and balloon figures
Roosevelt table of aromatherapy neck pillows
Roosevelt table of aromatherapy pillows mades with socks and rice
Roosevelt staff at their health fair table
Mrs. Michael's class that performed at the health fair