Photo Album

student art of bald women who no breasts and boxing gloves
a pink rose with a hand about to attach a kemotherapy treatement iv
mulitple pink flowers diplay
hackensack university hopsital treat table
hackensack hospital representative talking to person at the table
women viewing the painting of pink art
mayor stack addressing the people in the audience
superintendent Silvia Abbato addressing the crowd
director of community affairs mercedes juaquin greeting a breast cancer survivor
Breast cancer surivor and honoree
Union City Commissioners valdivia, grullon, martinetti, fernandez, mrs. abbatto, juaquin honoree and two other
UC poet laureate
abbatto, juaquin, capazzi, and breast cancer rep with large check
abbatto, juaquin, capazzi, and breast cancer rep with large check
martinez & Juaquin sharing a laugh at the podium
martinez & juaguin greeting each other at the podium
2 women laughing behind podium
Elderly woman carry gift basket